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[Webinar] Understanding the Dangers and Dynamics of Intimate Partner Violence and Pregnancy: Perspectives and Tools for Prosecutors
Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
Category: Webinars

DescriptionPlease join us on January 21st at 3:00 pm (ET) for a live webinar that will provide a comprehensive overview of the dynamics and challenges investigating and prosecuting these cases, charging decisions, motion practice and current research on the intersection of intimate partner violence, pregnancy and related homicide of women and girls. When a victim in an abusive relationship is pregnant or becomes pregnant, their risk of interpersonal violence escalates. The pregnancy can affect the victim’s decisions; for leaving the relationship, reporting to police or going forward with a case prosecution.



ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTRONEY SUZANNE (KONTZ) WISEMAN is the Senior Trial Counsel and Chief of the Development Team training program for the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office

Dr. MAEVE WALLACE is an Associate Professor of Public Health, Health Promotion and Science Development Department at the University of Arizona, Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health


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